Principles for Processes Related to Industrial Engineering Design Projects

Students in the Industrial Engineering (IE) undergraduate program at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) are required to complete an Industrial Engineering Design Project (IEDP) as part of the END4901 or END4901E and END4902 or END4902E courses.

Characteristic Features

The IEDP must include an “engineering design” and have the characteristics of a culminating capstone project that integrates all courses in the current curriculum of the IE undergraduate program at ITU. To meet these requirements, the IEDP must have the following features:

  • A business model or product/service/process must be designed.
  • The project must include an application. 
  • A detailed system analysis must be provided at the beginning of the project report, clearly identifying the subject, scope, purpose, stakeholders, needs, and requirements of the project.
  • The design must be developed to meet the needs of stakeholders and system requirements.
  • All relevant constraints must be considered. 
  • More than one IE-related technique must be utilized.
  • Multiple solution alternatives must be generated and evaluated before a single solution (design) is eventually presented after evaluating these alternatives considering various factors.
  • The final design's economic, social, and environmental benefits must be evaluated.
  • Students must reference more than one END-coded course from the current curriculum.

To demonstrate that the project contains all these features, students must complete the “IEDP Information Form.”


The final IEDP report to be submitted in END4902 or END4902E must include six sections: Introduction, System Analysis, Literature Review, Methodology, Application, Conclusion, and Suggestions.

Details on the content can be found in the “IEDP Content” document. Format requirements related to the content can be found in the “ITU Graduate Thesis Template” under the “Class Files” tab in your online class on Ninova.

Project Management

For the proper execution of an IEDP, the following steps must be followed: 

For END4901 or END4901E:

  • Choosing an advisor (before the start of the semester and the 1st week of the semester): Students agree to work together by contacting instructors about the project that they plan to do and they report their keyword preferences in the second week of the semester.
  • Project Proposal (5th week of the semester): Industrial Engineering Design-1-Project Proposal Form
  • IED-1-Interim Report (8th week of the semester): Industrial Engineering Design Project Information Form, Project Interim Report (Content: System Analysis and a partial Literature Review)
  • IED-1-Final Report (End of the semester): Project Final Report (Content: Introduction, System Analysis, Literature Review, Methodology, Conclusion) and Project Defense (the same content provided in the report to be presented)

For END4902 or END4902E:

  • IED-2-Interim Report (8th week of the semester): Industrial Engineering Design Project Information Form, Project Interim Report (content: System Analysis, Literature Review, Methodology, partial Application)
  • IED-2-Final Report (End of the semester): Industrial Engineering Design Project Information Form, Project Final Report (content: all subsections), and Project Exam (the same content provided in the report to be presented)

A detailed calendar is provided in the section titled “IEDP Calendar.” 


    1. According to the Senate principles for receiving, delivering, and examination for ITU design projects/diploma projects, students enrolled in courses END4901, END4901E, END4902, and END4902E are to prepare a design project.
    2. The project will be completed in groups of two students. In exceptional cases, such as interdisciplinary work, the advisor must petition the Department Head for approval of larger groups.
    3. Advisor assignments are based on student preferences and the approval of instructors. If a student does not have any advisor preference, the assignment will be done based on the student’s keyword preference, and the available instructors’ IEDP workload. Further details are explained in the “Assignment of Students to the Instructors” section below.
    4. Design projects are supervised by an advisor and reviewed by two jury members. There is no co-advisory practice. Interdisciplinary studies may involve multiple advisors and a larger jury.
    5. IED-1 and IED-2 should be planned as a continuation of each other, and on the same topic. In exceptional cases, if the project topic is changed mid-year, all content must still be prepared within the scope of IED-2.
    6. The Industrial Engineering Design Project Information Form must be submitted with the approval of both students and the advisors. 
    7. According to the “Design Project Calendar,” the project will be graded as follows:

    IED 1/ IED 2



    Interim Report

    Jury Members



    Research Assistants


    Final Report

    Jury Members


    Final Presentation

    Jury Members


    1. The project proposal, interim report, final report, and presentations are evaluated, and graded (except project proposal), and feedback is given to the students by all jury members. 
    2. Students who do not submit the final report on time for both IED-1 and IED-2 will receive a grade of FF. They will also not be allowed to participate in the project presentation (exam).
    3. A presentation (exam) will be conducted at the end of the semester for both IED-1 and IED-2. Each presentation is allotted a maximum of 20 minutes. Failure to present the study will result in a grade of FF.
    4. All students must upload their documents on Ninova. Only one student from each group needs to upload the documents. Any files or forms sent by e-mail will be ignored.
    5. The Ninova platform will be used for sharing announcements and files related to the design project. It is the student’s responsibility to regularly check Ninova during the process.
    6. Students enrolled in courses taught in English are required to write their reports in English.
    7. Format checks for IED-1 and IED-2 will be conducted by research assistants and students will be given a certain amount of time to do corrections after the first format check. The corrected IED-1 and IED-2 projects will then be submitted for grading. After the first format check, the student is responsible for ensuring the correctness of formatting for any additions made to the project report. The necessary documents for formatting will be shared with students through Ninova.
    8. Plagiarism will be checked using the Turnitin system. Students must upload their final reports to a class opened on the Turnitin system and check the similarity rate. If the rate is below 25%, the student must download the similarity analysis file and upload it with the final report in the homework section on Ninova. If the similarity rate is above 25%, the student must make the necessary corrections and upload it again for another similarity check. Any similarities over 25% when submitted will be considered as plagiarism and will result in an unsuccessful design project.
    9. The maximum number of design projects that instructors can take has been determined by the Department Board and is updated when necessary, taking into consideration the total number of students enrolled in the IED-1 course.

    Effective DateThese rules will be in effect starting from the 2022-2023 Spring semester.

    Assignment of Students to Instructors

    • Advisor assignments are made based on student preferences and instructors’ approval. Students who do not have any advisor preference are assigned based on their preferred keywords, and the available instructors’ IEDP workload.
    • At the beginning of the semester, the keywords representing the working areas of the instructors are announced through Google Sheets and the Department’s website.

    • Before the semester begins, students contact their preferred instructors. On the Wednesday of the second week of the semester, students are required to report their group members and preferred keywords to the Graduation Committee.
    • On the Friday of the second week of the semester, the instructors send the list of students they accept to work with to the secretariat and the Graduation Commission.
    • Students on the lists are assigned to the relevant instructors as advisees.
    • Unassigned students are assigned to the available instructors, taking into account their keyword preferences and the IEDP load balance among the instructors. These appointments are announced on Wednesday of the third week of the semester.
    • If an interdisciplinary project (with the participation of students from two different departments) is to be carried out, a group project can be done with a total of 4 students, in the form of 2 students from each department. In this case, one advisor from each department will be co-advisors.
    • Keywords for interdisciplinary projects are determined together with the relevant department. Students who want to collaborate are matched. In this case, an IEDP jury of 4 people is formed with 2 advisors + 2 members.
    • Jury members and research assistants are determined within two weeks after students are assigned to their advisors.

    Best Project Competition 

    To be eligible for the best project award, students must submit a two-page project summary signed by their advisors and a poster presentation to the Graduation Committee.

    Students who wish to compete for the best project award must submit their work by Wednesday of the 12th week of the semester.

    Projects submitted before the deadline will be evaluated by a large jury consisting of faculty members, and the winner will be determined accordingly.

    The best projects are to be published on the website of the ITU Industrial Engineering Department.

    Industrial Engineering Design Project Calendar

    Week Activity IEDP 1 or 2? Person in Charge Resource Explanation
    Before semester begins Keywords for each instructor are announced. 1 Design Project Comission
    Before semester begins Students should contact the instructors thry would like to eork with before the term starts. 1 Student Announcement is made via Ninova / DAN course.
    1stWeek IED 1 ve IED 2 courses are opened on Ninova and necessary resources are uploaded. 1 & 2 Design Project Comission Ninova / Course Resources:
    • Design Project Calendar
    • Design Project Contents
    • Design Project Template
    • Design Project Proposal Form
    • Design Project Information Form
    • Turnitin Guide
    Student list is updated at the end of Add-Drop week.
    1stWeek Students start reporting their keyword preferences. 1 Student Ninova / Announcements: Google Forms - Keyword Preferences Form
    2ndWeek An informative presentation is shared with the students who will make a Design Project. 1 & 2 Design Project Comission Ninova / Course Resources:
    - IED process presentation recording
    2ndWeek Wednesday: Students' keyword reporting is completed. 1 Student
    2ndWeek Friday: Instructors submit their student lists to the commission. 1 Instructors Google Forms - Student Preference Form
    2ndWeek Friday: Titles for IED 2 are reported by the students. 2 Student Ninova / Announcements: IED 2 Titles
    The reported title and the title in the submitted report must be exactly the same.
    3rdWeek Tuesday: IED 2 advisors and project titles are entered to the system. 2 Department Secretary
    3rdWeek Wednesday: Advisor and jury assignments are announced. 1 & 2 Design Project Comission Ninova / Announcements: Jury Assignment File The assignment of students who is mot on any list recieved from the instructors are assigned an advisor based on the their prefered keywords and advisory load distribution among the instructors.
    4thWeek Wednesday: Last day to change advisors. 1 Student Students who want to change advisors can request a change by sending an e-mail to the Design Projects Commission with both instructors cc'ed after getting approval from both of them.
    4th Week Friday: Titles for IED 1 are reported. 1 Student Ninova / Announcements: IED 1 Titles
    5thWeek IED 1: Design Project Proposal Form is submitted. 1 Student Ninova / Assignments / Design Project Suggestion Form
    6thWeek Feedbacks for Design Project Proposal are given. 1 Jury EMT-SİS
    Feedbacks are shared with students via E-mail
    Spring Break
    8thWeek Interim Report and Design Project Information Form is submitted. 1 & 2 Student Ninova / Homeworks / Interim Report Within the scope of the Interim Report, the System Analysis work is expected to be completed.
    9thWeek Friday: Interim Report feedback is given, grades are given. 1 & 2 Jury EMT-SİS
    Feedbacks are shared with students via E-mail
    11thWeek Wednesday: Extension requests are received. 2 Student - Advisor Students who take IED-2 in the fall semester can receive an extension until the end of the spring semester, and students who take it in the spring semester until the end of the summer semester. The requests of these students are submitted to the Dean's approval with a reasoned petition by their advisor.
    13thWeek Friday: Design Project is submitted for first format check. 1 & 2 Student E-mail This control is not graded. It is only a practice to give feedback to students. It is not compulsory.
    13thWeek Friday: Classes activated on Turnitin for similarity check. 1 & 2 Design Project Comission Turnitin The entire report to be submitted is uploaded to Turnitin. Similarity check report is saved.
    14thWeek Monday: Applications for the best project competition are made. 2 Student - Advisor Ninova / Homeworks / Graduation Competition For the best project competition, students submit a 2-page summary signed by their advisor, Turnitin report, presentation poster and the entire project work.
    14thWeek Tuesday: First format check feedback is given. 1 & 2 Research Assistant E-mail
    Finals Week Design Project, Design Project Information Form and Similarity Check report are submitted. 1 & 2 Student Ninova / Homeworks / Final Report Completion of the Methodology section is expected in IED 1. The report should also include Introduction and Conclusion sections.
    IED 2 submission must also include work done in IED 1.
    Finals Week Exit Survey is filled. 2 Student Ninova / Announcements: Veti - Exit Survey
    Finals Week IED presentation schedule is announced. 1 & 2 Design Project Comission Ninova / Announcements: Presentation Schedule
    Design Project Exam Monday-Wednesday: Design Project presentations are made. 1 & 2 Student Students who do not make a presentation are considered unsuccessful (get FF).
    IED 1 feedback will be given during the presentation.
    Design Project Exam Thursday: Design Project are graded. 1 & 2 Jury EMT-SİS
    Grade Entry Week Letter grades are finalized and grades are entered into the system. 1 & 2 Design Projects Commission - Head of Department